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Seagrass - The oceans wonder plant that needs saving

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Join us for an introduction to the underwater plant, Seagrass. No, this isn’t a seaweed, but a group of flowering plants that live under the sea in shallow sheltered areas along our coastline. With bright green leaves and waterproof pollen, they form large dense green meadows under the sea and create homes for marine life. However, seagrasses are under threat and it is estimated that in the UK we have lost up to 92% of our meadows. Join our Scientist’s from Welsh based ‘Project Seagrass’ to learn about the ocean gardening they undertake, trowel and seeds in hand, and how you too might be able to save this ocean wonder.

21 February

The Science Behind 'The Office: An American Workplace'

22 February

Owl Pellet Dissection