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FREE - Maths Adventures Day

The Cardiff School of Mathematics is organising the Maths Adventures Day, on 18th February 2023at the Abacws building, as part of the Cardiff Science Festival. The Adventures Day includes hands-on activities, workshops, and presentations, delivered in an entertaining way, for children, families and the public. The event aims to promote the understanding and appreciation of the role of Mathematics in Science and Technology and inspires the next generation of mathematicians and scientists.

Book your place now:

Below is the list of activities (the age group and type of activity is next to each title).

•     Hands-on activities (all ages)

Chess Masters, Chess Mate, Mathematical Board Games, Maths Busking, 10.00 -16.00 Abacws Foyer

•     Ninja Turtles Unveil the Physics of Falling (11-99, demonstrations)

Dr Usama Kadri.

Watch a Ninja Turtle catch a launched green gem of doom to save the world and discover why some objects fall and others soar! 10.00-10.45 Room 0.01

•     Maths and Music (all ages, talk)

Dr Thomas Woolley

From rhythm to composition, Mathematics helps us understand how music is created and develops! 11.00-11.45 Room 0.01

•     Game On! (11-15, game)

Lois Mullins

Come and play a new Maths board game developed in Cardiff Maths 10.00-10.45 Room 0.04

•     The Shannon Switching Game (9-15, game)

Michela Corradini

Does making the first move matter? Maths has the answer! 11.00-11.45 Room 0.04

•     The secret of the winning streak (11-16, game)

Layla Sadeghi Namaghi

Cool mathematical strategies in two-player games that ensure winning, well, certainly not losing! 11.00-11.45 Room 0.34

•     Making 3D shapes (4-8, workshop)

Dr Yasemin Sengul Tezel

Who doesn’t like arts and crafts? Let’s make three-dimensional objects and colour them! 12.00-12.45 Room 0.04

•     Close encounters of the loud kind (11-99, talk)

Dr Katerina Kaouri

Learn about the maths of supersonic flights and listen to many loud sonic booms and bangs! 12.00-12.45 Room 0.01

•     Diffusion of the Dead (11-99, talk)

Dr Thomas Woolley

How do you survive in a zombie apocalypse? Mathematical models can come to the rescue 13.00-13.45 Room 0.01

•     From Florence Nightingale to Amazon’s AI (in Welsh) (11-99, talk)

Dr Geraint Palmer

How is data collected, analysed and visualised, in the past and nowadays? Where are we headed with AI? 13.00-13.45 Room 0.04

•     Maths in Motion (11-18, interactive talk)

Dr Thomas Barker

Inspired by the videos shown in the foyer? Delve deeper into the maths behind videos and animations. 14.00-14.45 Room 0.34

•     Darned Lies and Statistics (11-99, talk)

Dr Rhyd Lewis

Newspapers, politicians, and advertising companies often use statistics in misleading ways. How can you spot this? 14.00-14.45 Room 0.01

•     Drawing, Colouring, and Untangling (3+, workshop)

Dr Rhyd Lewis

Draw, colour and untangle: from the “four-colour challenge” to the “untangle” game! 15.00-15.45 Room 0.34

•     Rapping Euclidean Axioms (11-18, video screening and talk)

Stylianos Koutsoullis

Who knew Euclid and rap can go together? 15.00-15.20 Room 0.01

·        Flying viruses (15-99, talk)

Dr Katerina Kaouri

How can mathematical models predict if we are getting infected by viruses flying in a room?  15.25-15.45 Room 0.01

•     She-roes of Mathematics (10-99, theatrical talk)

Women in Mathematics and in Computer Science Society

Would you like to get to know famous female mathematicians and their achievements? 16.00-16.45 Room 0.01

Visit the School of Maths webpage for more information:

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